Conceal Pro Premium

Disable all customer export features. Mask personal information such as email, phone number and address bits.

Admin accounts can be compromised in many ways. So, protect your customer data and disable all customer related export features.


  • Masking of address bits, emails and phone numbers in following grid tables:
  1. Customers > All Customers
  2. Sales > Orders
  3. Sales > Invoices
  4. Sales > Shipments
  5. Sales > Credit Memos
  • Disable export option in grid tables
  • Disable customer export in System > Data Transfer > Export


Enable or disable feature via console. By default it is enabled.

php bin/magento magenizr:conceal:config --status enable
php bin/magento magenizr:conceal:config --status disable

System Requirements

  • Magento 2.3.x, 2.4.x
  • PHP 5.6.x, 7.x



  • First release